Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Essay Structure

Contexts and themes
Case studies - no new information, they relate to themes already.

What are you investigating and why?
- What is your question?
- Define key terms, language or concepts.
- What is the argument or discussion?
- Why is it important or interesting?
- If you have a key theory, introduce it here.
500 words

Context and Themes:
Critical arguments developed through a discussion and analysis of triangulated academic sources and perspectives.
- Who are your chosen supporting sources?
- What context?
- What do they say?
- Similar points of view or different?
 - Any counter arguments?
 - Any quotes selected, how do they support the argument?
 - try to aim for up to 4 min points.

Case Studies:
Analysis of contextual examples these might be examples of illustration, objects, practitioners/practice, cultural phenomena that relate to your theme.
- Why are they relevant??
- What is the context?
- How do they relate to one another?
- How are they an example of your theme?
- How can your theoretical reading be used to understand them?
- any key quotes/theories, points of view.

Discussing evidence raised.
- Summarise key points or what is the most important point.
- Why is this, explain.
- Re-enforce why it is important or interesting.

Use 'quotation marks in italics' (Author's last name, date, page number).
Make sure to cite research and theories.
Try to paraphrase long quote to the key points/info.

Proof Reading:
Read it from the back paragraph upwards when proof reading.

Self Assessment:
Clarity - what is it about?
Tone of voice/style - academic or personal
Quality of research - bibliography - it should be varied.

Triangulation - how are quotes and paraphrasing used to support argument? Are they correctly cited?Sections - introduction - literature review - case studies - conclusion. How well do they link together? / the argument?

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