Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Study Task - Proposal

What is your theme/subject? ephemera and collectables in modern day
What does it mean? Ephemera are objects designed to be used for a short amount of time such as tickets, receipts, postcards, etc. However, the true meaning of ephemera has always been debated and can also include collectables of a certain theme being collected consciously or just for emotional gratification. This can also apply to mundane, everyday items such as clothing.

Does your proposal have a working title? Is it named after your theme, do have a question in mind...
How is collecting the everyday object or mundane objects used in design?

Why are you drawn to your theme/subject?
How does it link to Graphic Design - your practice? How does it link to your personal interests?

What is its historical context? 
Is this an old/new concept? How did it come about? Is it tied to specific eras/places/people?

Are there any particular case studies you would like to discuss?
Designers / design, events, political movements, places?

Are there specific texts you will be using to underpin your discussion?
Theories, cultural phenomena, writers, articles...?

 Nicole Mcloughlin - repurposing collected items.

Ephemera: The Graphic Design of the Mak Library and Works on Paper Collection
"This publication presents the wide-ranging graphic design holdings, spanning from the 18th century to the present day, of the Austrian Museum of Applied Arts / Contemporary Art (MAK), archived in the MAK Library and Works on Paper Collection."

Parks - A Collection of 100 Years of US National Parks’ Graphical Ephemera - an exhibition of books showcasing a selection of artists' announcements from 1960 to now. 

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